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Search for Scholarships and Awards

Welcome to our search page. We’re excited about the possibility of helping students achieve their goals in education and life.

More than 40 of our online applications for graduating high school seniors and vocational, undergraduate, and graduate students have been merged into one Consolidated Scholarship Application due March 4. Completing this one application automatically puts you in the running for any and all scholarships in this group for which you are eligible.

Scholarships included in the Consolidated Application are marked with an asterisk(*) in the search below. You must apply separately for any scholarships that do not have an asterisk.

Whether applying for opportunities within the Consolidated Application or outside it, the search section below remains your starting point, and each of your search hits will take you to a summary page with specific details related to that scholarship, including application instructions.

You can search scholarships by keyword or first letter — or filter by category.

Questions? Email or call 585.341.4350 for assistance.