Algonquin Campership Award (Enrichment Programs)
Purpose of Scholarship
The Algonquin Campership Fund is committed to providing financial support through campership awards to individuals, school groups, and organizations, enabling them to access canoe-tripping camps in Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada.Application Period
Rolling Deadline: December 1 to June 1
Number and Size of Awards
Award amounts vary based on the program and will begin at $1,000 USD to support programs/projects that enhance camp and outdoor experiences for youth and families.
Allowed Use of Award
Funding Priorities Include:
- Professional development and required safety training for camp staff working directly with youth.
- Educational speakers and other opportunities including educators from Indigenous and First Nations communities.
- Gear for campers who arrive to camp without necessary gear or have an issue with their gear throughout the summer.
- Support for local community efforts in Rochester, NY and Buffalo, NY to provide outdoor educational opportunities to youth.
- Support for efforts that grow the diversity of the camp community.
Eligibility Criteria
For organizations and groups with programs for youth that encourage being outdoors and/or benefit youth that may ultimately be interested in attending camp in Algonquin Park in Ontario, Canada.Application Process
The application process is coordinated through the Community Foundation. To begin a new application, click here. To continue working on this application or another application you have already started, check the status of your application, or accept and release a scholarship you have been awarded, click here. Note: The Enrichment Program application allows for a request to support a program or project relating to camps in Algonquin Park or outdoor experiences for youth and families. In either case, a brief report on the outcomes of the program will be required. Additional information may also be required. Email Erica Mason at mason.ec94@gmail.com with application questions or concerns.Committee/Selection Process
The selection process is coordinated through the Algonquin Campership Fund Scholarship Committee. A committee comprised of alumni of the wilderness camps in Algonquin Park reviews applications and selects recipients. Note: The selection process may include a personal or telephone interview with the program coordinator by a member of the alumni or Algonquin Campership Fund steering committee. Once selection of the recipient(s) has been made, the Community Foundation is notified.Award Announcement and Payment
The Community Foundation mails a letter along with the award payment to the organization. The award will be on a one year cycle. Special payment arrangements must be made by contacting scholarships@racf.org at least two to four weeks before departing for the trip.Renewability
This scholarship is not renewable; however, groups may reapply each year they are eligible.Donor Information
This award was established by alumni of wilderness camps in Algonquin Park who want to ensure that all children have access to the life-enhancing experiences summer camp has to offer. To make your own gift to this fund, click here.Questions?
Email Scholarships@racf.org or call 585.341.4350 for assistance.
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