Warren H. and Maria R. Olmsted Senior Academic Excellence Award
Purpose of Scholarship
To honor a graduating senior from Le Roy Jr.-Sr. High School who receives the highest overall average on Regents exams taken from 9th through 11th grade and who qualifies for the NYS Senior Academic Excellence Scholarship Award.
Application Period
N/A (recipient identified by committee only)
Number and Size of Awards
One award of $2,500; paid in one lump sum in the Fall and divided equally between the Fall and Spring semesters.
Allowed Use of Award
Awards may be used for tuition, fees, books, and other expenses associated with higher education.
Eligibility Criteria
For a graduating senior from Le Roy Jr.-Sr. High School who is:
- Continuing- full or part-time in an accredited college, university, or vocational school anywhere in the United States;
- Identified as eligible to receive the NYS Education Department's Senior Academic Excellence Scholarship Award; and
- An active participant, beyond the requirement, in school, extracurricular activities, and/or community service.
Application Process
The identification process is coordinated through Le Roy Jr.-Sr. High School's Student Success Center.
Committee/Selection Process
The scholarship committee is coordinated through the Le Roy Jr.-Sr. High School's Student Success Center. The committee identifies the recipient based on the award's criteria and notifies the Community Foundation.
Award Announcement and Payment
The Community Foundation emails a certificate to the high school for presentation to the recipient and emails an award notification with instructions for claiming the award to the recipient in the Spring. Payment is mailed to the school for the recipient’s account in one lump sum in the Fall and split between the Fall and Spring semesters once required documentation is received.
To release the scholarship payment, upload the requested and required information including your class schedule and tuition bill verifying full-time enrollment to the Community Foundation’s online Scholarship Portal between July 1 and August 15.
Scholarships not claimed by February 15 in the assigned year will be forfeited. Email scholarships@racf.org with any questions or concerns.
This scholarship is a one-time award and is not renewable.
This award may be given to a recipient who chooses to attend a school outside of New York State and therefore does not qualify to accept the NYS Education Department's Senior Academic Excellence Scholarship Award.
Donor Information
Born in 1895, Maria was the daughter of a Welsh Presbyterian minister. She met Warren Olmsted in St. Louis, Michigan, and liked to tell the story about coming to LeRoy for a visit before they were married. Warren was busy with something the moment she arrived at the train station, and he sent a hired man to pick her up with a sleigh. Warren and Maria were married in 1922. Maria was responsible for taking care of her sick mother until she died, and although she wanted to go to college, she never did. Maria knew that education was very important, and she was well read. She began volunteering with Literacy Volunteers at age 90. Warren was born in 1889 and died in the early 1950s. A fund was established at Rochester Area Community Foundation through her estate and continues to provide scholarship support in a variety of ways.
To make your own gift to this fund, click here.
Email Scholarships@racf.org or call 585.341.4350 for assistance.
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