Intro Image - Nancy Barie-Turner Scholarship

Nancy Barie-Turner Scholarship

Purpose of Scholarship

To provide scholarship support to a graduating senior from Alexander High School in Alexander, New York.

Application Period

November 1 to May 15

Number and Size of Awards

Two awards of $1,500 each; paid in one lump sum in the Spring semester.

Allowed Use of Award

Awards may be used for tuition, fees, books, and other expenses associated with higher education.

Eligibility Criteria

For graduating Alexander High School seniors who:
  • Show interest in human service, agriculture, or business/financial careers;
  • Display the ability to be good members of the community (e.g., through volunteerism or church activities); and
  • Are diligent in academic studies, with a 3.0 GPA or more.
Financial need is a consideration, but not a determining factor.

Application Process

The application process is coordinated by the Alexander High School Counseling Office, where application instructions are also available. Nancy Barie-Turner Application

Committee/Selection Process

The selection process is coordinated through Alexander High School. A committee comprised of the principal, two guidance counselors, and faculty members reviews applications, selects recipients, and informs the Community Foundation.

Award Announcement and Payment

The Community Foundation emails a certificate to the high school for Mrs. Turner or her designate to present to the recipient and emails an award notification with instructions for claiming the award to the recipient in the Spring. Payment is mailed to the school for the recipient's account after completion of the Fall semester once required documentation is received. To release the Spring scholarship payment, upload the requested and required information including your unofficial transcript, class schedule, tuition bill to verify enrollment and a 3.0 minimum GPA to the Community Foundation’s online Scholarship Portal between December 1 and February 15. Scholarships not claimed by February 15 in the assigned year will be forfeited. Email with any questions or concerns.


This scholarship is a one-time award and is not renewable.


Lineal descendants of the donor's siblings are not eligible. If no suitable candidate meets the scholarship eligibility criteria under the three main fields of study, then the scholarship committee may select a student based on an "other career" category.

Donor Information

This scholarship was established in 1999 by Nancy Turner in memory of her parents, Albert and Edna Barie, who were dairy farm operators and longtime residents of the Town of Bethany. To make your own gift to this fund, click here.


Email or call 585.341.4350 for assistance.

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