Clifford B. Bushnell Scholarship
Purpose of Scholarship
To provide financial assistance to an African American female from Monroe County who is a graduating high school senior or has completed her first year of college and is identified as an Urban League Black Scholar. ***Offered every three years. Next award 2027.***
Application Period
December 1 to February 28
Number and Size of Awards
One award of $5,000; paid as $1,000 per year for up to five consecutive years of undergraduate study. Award paid in the Fall and divided equally between the Fall and Spring semesters. See Award Announcement and Payment section below for more information. Offered every three years; next award 2027.
Allowed Use of Award
Awards may be used for tuition, fees, books, and other expenses associated with higher education.
Eligibility Criteria
For a female African-American student graduating from high school or in her first year in college who:
- Is a resident of Monroe County;
- Is an Urban League Black Scholar;
- Has a cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 out of 4.0 (B average);
- Is active in school and the community; and
- Is accepted as a full-time student at any accredited two- or four-year college or vocational/technical school.
Application Process
To begin or continue your application, click here.
This scholarship is one of dozens connected to our Consolidated Scholarship Application. Applying for this scholarship means you’ll be considered for any other relevant opportunities within the Consolidated Application.
Committee/Selection Process
The selection process is coordinated through the Community Foundation. A committee comprised of Community Foundation staff, Urban League representatives, and community members reviews applications and selects the recipient(s).
Award Announcement and Payment
The Community Foundation emails a certificate to the Urban League of Rochester for presentation to the recipient at the annual Black Scholars Recognition Dinner and emails an award notification with instructions for claiming the award to the recipient in the Spring. Payment is made to the school for the recipient’s account in one lump sum in the Fall and split between the Fall and Spring semesters once required documentation is received.
To release the initial scholarship payment, upload the requested and required information including your class schedule and tuition bill verifying full-time enrollment at an accredited two- or four-year college or vocational/technical school to the Community Foundation’s online Consolidated Scholarship Application Form between July 1 and August 15.
To release subsequent scholarship payments, upload the requested and required information including your unofficial transcript, class schedule, tuition bill, and the Clifford B. Bushnell Scholarship Renewal Form verifying continued full-time enrollment, financial need, and a minimum 3.0 GPA to the Community Foundation’s online Scholarship Acceptance and Renewal Form between July 1 and August 15.
Scholarships not claimed by February 15 in the assigned year will be forfeited. Email scholarships@racf.org with any questions or concerns.
This scholarship is renewable for up to four times for a maximum of five annual awards to support undergraduate studies. Award renewability varies per recipient:
- Graduating high school seniors receive awards that are renewable for a maximum of five awards in five consecutive years of undergraduate studies;
- College freshman receive awards that are renewable for a maximum of four awards in four consecutive years of undergraduate studies;
- College sophomores receive awards that are renewable for a maximum of three awards in three consecutive years of undergraduate studies; and
- College juniors receive awards that are renewable for a maximum of two awards in two consecutive years of undergraduate studies.
Please see the Award Announcement and Payment section above for more information.
Donor Information
This scholarship was created to reflect a family value of higher education providing need-based scholarships to young African-American women from Monroe County.
To make your own gift to this fund, click here.
Email Scholarships@racf.org or call 585.341.4350 for assistance.
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