Intro Image - Celebration of Giving: What Did You Miss?
Photo by Erich Camping

Celebration of Giving: What Did You Miss?

December 18, 2024

One week after the presidential election results were confirmed, Rochester Area Community Foundation gathered more than 300 individuals at the Rochester Riverside Convention Center for a Celebration of Giving. In the room that night, we felt the power that giving has to bring people together in support of our region and its people.

The evening began with Community Foundation employees and Convention Center Staff moving like ducks in water as we transitioned from the last few hours of preparation to the first moments of hosting. Then the doors opened, and the hall began to fill with local philanthropists whose names decorate buildings, generous individuals you may not know yet, leaders of dedicated nonprofits across every mission area, the Mayor, business owners, retirees, dedicated volunteers, and so many others. 

Members of the LGBT+ and Latino Giving Circles came together over canapés and warm embraces. A Foundation program officer engaged in animated conversation with the leader of a local arts organization. Philanthropy Award honorees snuck glances at their speech notes while making introductions to their proud entourage of family and friends. Someone looking down from the high convention center ceiling would have seen different constellations of people converging over and over again throughout the night. 

Celebration of Giving

A drumbeat started to rise above the hum of greetings, sharing of holiday plans, and musings about the future. Guests found their seats. Streaks of royal blue fabric streamed behind young dancers scurrying to the back of the hall, while figures with straight backs and sheet music stood at the front. As the first few notes from the First Inversion Choir burst in the air, Garth Fagan Student Ensemble launched into motion like a kaleidoscope. Music and dance filled the hall and brought smiles to countless faces, made possible by nonprofit organizations and the shared values that inspire people to support them year after year. 

Soon after, guests heard the wisdom of young leaders from the Center for Teen Empowerment and Community Foundation President & CEO Simeon Banister. “Brave is being able to step out and do what nobody else would be willing to do, doing what you feel is right,” says one young person. Simeon encouraged each of us to seek out the company of courageous bright young people and shared a hopeful message about the Community Foundation’s perspective on the years ahead: “Linking arms with each of you, we will be here, permanently, to stand for what is best in our community.” 

Philanthropy Award honorees Gita Ramachandran, Jill M. Cicero, and C.J. Britt on behalf of Lyons National Bank with Community Foundation President & CEO Simeon Banister

Three Philanthropy Awards were presented throughout the evening, and each recipient had a chance to share their thoughts. Jill M. Cicero was awarded the Joe U. Posner Founders Award for her role as an indefatigable volunteer and vital connector. Jill reminded us of past tides weathered, sharing how she became the Community Foundation’s board chair just weeks before the stock market crash that spelled the beginning of the economic recession in the late aughts. Gita Ramachandran, our second Philanthropy Award honoree, emphasized the importance of lifting up the nonprofit sector and spoke in favor of the role we can each play when we act not as an individual, but as a member of the human race. C.J. Britt, accepting the Community Partner Award on behalf of Lyons National Bank, highlighted the positive impact that businesses, individuals, and institutions can have on a community when working together. 

First Inversion Choir and Holden Turner from Finger Lakes Opera brought the house down with a moving rendition of “This Little Light of Mine.” 

First Inversion Choir and Holden Tucker from Finger Lakes Opera

The Community Foundation incoming board chair, Mollene Benison, left guests with a few final words. “I’m so grateful to know that the people in this room are going to be arm-in-arm with us on the journey ahead — with smart investments, brave pursuits, and a commitment to focus our best efforts right here.” 

And that was a wrap! Watch the full recording on our YouTube channel.  

Photography by Erich Camping

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