Current Giving

The easiest way for your clients to make a gift today is through our online form. If they are interested in creating their own fund with an initial investment of $25,000, the chart below offers an at-a-glance comparison of options (also available for download in our Current Giving Options brochure). Our different types of funds offer you a choice between permanence and flexibility. Each of these is potentially a tax-advantaged, low-cost alternative to a private foundation. Most importantly, donors are able to access the grantmaking, fiduciary, and community expertise of our experienced professional staff.

We are eager to answer your questions or set up a meeting to discuss a gift.
Please email the Philanthropic Engagement Department or call 585.271.4100.

Gifts to Meet the Changing Needs of Your Community

Gifts for Favorite Causes

Gifts for Specific Charities

All invested funds may gain or lose value.